Package API¶
(elementos='', threshold=0.0001, isotopes=True)¶ Bases:
Object describing a list of substances.
>>> elementos = ['N2', 'H2O', 'Ar^{3+}', 'Ar^{+}', 'Ar^2+', 'UF6'] >>> m = Sustancias(elementos, threshold=1.e-3) >>> print(m) l M P ------------- -------- --------- 1H2-16O^{+} 18.0106 99.7341 1H2-18O^{+} 20.0148 0.204953 14N2^{+} 28.0061 99.2733 14N-15N^{+} 29.0032 0.72535 36Ar^{3+} 35.9675 0.3365 36Ar^{+} 35.9675 0.3365 36Ar^{2+} 35.9675 0.3365 40Ar^{3+} 39.9624 99.6003 40Ar^{+} 39.9624 99.6003 40Ar^{2+} 39.9624 99.6003 19F6-235U^{+} 349.034 0.7204 19F6-238U^{+} 352.041 99.2742
To get help use:
>>> m.show_help() Create an object Sustancias as: # Sustancias(<elemento o sustancia>) # Fields in mass have the meaning: # Z: str Atomic Number S: str Atomic Symbol A: str Mass Number M: str Relative Atomic Mass P: str Isotopic Composition W: str Standard Atomic Weight q: str Charge
(sustancias)¶ Returns a dictionary with all the information on the substances added.
- Parameters
sustancias (str) –
Comma separated list of substances to be added, por instance:
m = add(‘H20,O2,N2,UF5,UF6’)
()¶ Copy the object and returns a new one.
(cols=None)¶ Return a list with the cols
- Parameters
cols (tuple/list or None) – A list of string selecting the fields to included, chosen from “A,L,l,M,P,S,Z”
(key=None)¶ Return a list of elements, optionally filtered with a criteria given by key
- Parameters
key (None or function) –
if key=None returns all elements
otherwise key has to be a function returning True or False.
>>> list(key = lambda x: x['P'] > 0.40) # returns True if population greater than 40% >>> list(key = lambda x: x['M'] > 50) # returns True if Mass smaller than than 50 AMU >>> list(key = lambda x: x['q'] > 2) # returns True if charge greater than 2
(fname)¶ Load substances from file
- Parameters
fname (str or Path() object) – File with definition of substances to add
File should have configuration format as:
[34S1] S=S L=$^{34}\mathrm{S}$ P=4.25 M=33.9678669 A=34 Z=16 [32S1] S=S L=$^{32}\mathrm{S}$ P=94.99 M=31.972071 A=32 Z=16
(sustancias, criteria='fragment')¶ Remove a fragment
- Parameters
sustancias (str or list of strings) – substance or fragment to remove
criteria (str) – either ‘fragment’ (the default value) or ‘substance’:
For the choices of ‘criteria’, we use:
‘fragment’: e.g: Ar^{2+}, SF6^++, Removes exactly the fragment given
‘substance’: e.g: Ar, SF6, Xe, Remove all fragments with independently of the charge
(fname=None)¶ Save the substances to a file in a format that may be later read
- Parameters
self (type) – description
fname (None or str or pathlib.Path()) – Name of the file. If None prints to screen
()¶ Show help on use of Object Sustancias
(order=None, reverse=False)¶ Sort the substances according to the specified order. The sort is stable.
- Parameters
self (type) – description
order (str) – desired order. One of ‘ALMPSZq’
reverse (bool) – If True will be reversed
(cols=None, headers=None, standalone=False)¶ Convert to LaTeX table using tabulate package
- Parameters
cols (list) – Substance characteristics to include.
headers (str) – String to write before data.
standalone (bool) – If True make a standalone document that may be compiled by LaTeX.
(cols=None, headers=None, latexcommand='pdflatex', output='tmp.pdf')¶ Convert to pdf format using latex.
Export to a latex file and compiles it.
- Parameters
self (type) – description
cols (str) – Substance characteristics to include
headers (str) – Description to include before data
latexcommand (str) – command to compile to pdf
output (str) – Name of the output file
(cols=None, headers=(), tablefmt='simple', floatfmt='g', numalign='decimal', stralign='left', missingval='')¶ Format the list of sustances in Table format.
This is a wrapper around the tabulate function from the tabulate package: Available formats are: fancy_grid, grid, plain, psql, rst, simple, tsv latex, latex_raw, latex_booktabs, mediawiki, orgtbl, pipe, html
Options tablefmt, floatfmt, numalign, stralign, missingval are passed to package tabulate, if available.
- Parameters
cols (list) – A list of strings with the characteristics to include. Must be in ALMPSZ
headers (str) – String to include before data
tablefmt (str) – Format of table
floatfmt (str) – Format used to write numbers
numalign (str) – Alignment for numbers
stralign (str) – Alignment for strings
missingval (str) – Value to write when values are missing
()¶ Convenience function to format as a simple table
(subst, threshold=0.0001, fragments=False, isotopes=True)¶ Devuelve todas las combinaciones con posibles isotopos (y su poblacion) de la sustancia con la formula dada.
- Parameters
subst (str) – substance to include (H2O, CO, SF6, N2, …)
threshold (float) – Minimum abundance that has to have an isotope to be included
fragments (bool) – If True includes all fragments. For instance from ‘CO’ -> ‘CO’, ‘C’, ‘O’
isotopes (bool) – If True includes all isotope combinations
analyze_substance('H2O').keys() = ['1H1-2H1-16O1', '1H2-17O1', '1H2-16O1', '1H2-18O1'] analyze_substance('CO').keys() = ['13C1-17O1', '13C1-18O1', '12C1-16O1', '12C1-18O1', '13C1-16O1', '12C1-17O1']
(rows, end='\n', sep=' ', header='', footer='')¶ Simple formatting of a list of substances. It is intended to use with the output of get_lista()
- Parameters
rows (list) – List where each row is a list with data on a single element
end (str) – End of line string
sep (str) – string used as separator within a line
header (str) – Header to add before the data
footer (str) – Footer to add after the data
(fname)¶ Load masses from configuration file
- Parameters
fname (str or Path()) – File to read masses from
- Returns
a dictionary with the elements read
- Return type
(ss, fmt='key')¶ Construct the label for a given substance
- Parameters
ss (str) – Array of tuples [(A1,S1), (A2,S2), …] for all atoms in the substance
fmt (str) –
Indicates the format of labels:
'key' -> "14N2" 'Latex' -> "$^{14}N_{2}$" 'latexsimple' -> "$N_{2}$" 'latexdoc' -> r"\ce{^{14}N_{2}}" 'mass' -> "28"
(masses)¶ Format masses for a configuration file
- Parameters
masses (dict) – Information on substance(s)
- Returns
string with the format of a configuration file
- Return type
(threshold=0)¶ Read data from file datafile and fills the dictionary __NIST_ELEMENTS__ with all the data
- Parameters
threshold (float) – Add all elements whose abundance is higher than threshold
¶ Bases:
Simple object describing spectra peaks for the TOF.
It is essentially a dictionary, with a few added convenience methods
Each peak is described by a dictionary whose key is the label of the fragment.
The values are:
- ‘index’: tuple
has the form (im, i0, ip) with the indexes of the peak (i0) and the two positions where the width is obtained.
- ‘position’: float
is value of the coordinate where the peak is located, in microseconds.
- ‘height’: float
is the value of the peak.
- ‘width’: float
is the width of the peak in microseconds.
()¶ Returns a list with the data describing the peaks. The form is: [‘Substance’, ‘index’, ‘position’, ‘height’, ‘width’]
(substances=None, **kwds)¶ Bases:
The ToF object defines and handles all aspects of a Time-of-Flight spectrometer
The following parameters related to the construction and operation are included: Distances, voltages, working temperature, particle velocity fields and dispersion, time duration and size of the ionizing beam are also included.
tof_parameters= { 's': 0.7, # Distance from center to first plate in cm 'd': 2.54, # Distance between plates in cm (second stage) 'D': 100., # Distance of free flight 'Vs': 500, # Potential Es in eV 'Vd': 1900, # Potential Ed in eV 'ds': 0.05, # Radio del spot del laser in cm 'dt': 0.008, # Laser-pulse duration 't0': 0., # Offset in time of TOF (experimental) 'r0': 1.e3, # Aperture radius after extraction } # We can create the object with the parameters desired T = ToF(['Ar', 'N2', 'CO2'],**tof_parameters) # We can also load parameters from a file T.load_conf_file('tof.conf') T.signal() # Calculate the signals # Plot the signals T.make_plot(fname='tof2.png', negative=True, show_legend=True, show_all=True) # Just printing the object gives all the information on construction and # condition parameters as well as the substances being simulated print(T)
(substances, threshold=0.001)¶ Add substances to be simulated.
- Parameters
substances (str) – Comma-separated string, or list of strings, each substance may have the form SF5^{+}, SF5^{++}, SF5^+, S^2+
threshold (float) – Minimum abundance of a given isotope to be included (default 1.e-3).
(particles, Time)¶ Calculo de los histogramas para generar la señal de un grupo de partículas
(unpack=False)¶ Conversion from signal to “numpy arrays”, sorted by time
Keyword Arguments: unpack – (default False)
(substances='all', fwidth=0.36787944117144233)¶ Find peaks
- Parameters
substances ('all' or list) –
if ‘all’ find the peak for every fragment in the TOF
if substance is a list of strings, each element must be a fragment in TOF
fwidth (float) – fraction of the maximum at which to evaluate the full width. For instance, fwidth = 0.5 corresponds to FWHM
(explain=False)¶ Returns the parameters of TOF in a dict.
- Parameters
self (type) – description
explain (bool) – If True add an ascii graphic with the diagram of the TOF
(fname)¶ Load a configuration file, update tof parameters, and also return masses if present.
(especies=None, fname=None, **kvars)¶ Plot the signals in a “standard” form.
- Parameters
especies (dict) – masses to plot. If no present uses simulated fragments
fname (string or None (default None)) – if not None -> Save the figure to “fname”
kvars (Optional) –
negative = True/False : if True -> Negative signal
graph_all=`True/False` (or show_all): if True -> Plot individual species
show_legend=`True/False` : if True -> Show the legend
(x0=0.0)¶ Evaluate the ‘main’ time of each species, given as if generated in ideal conditions:
At time t=0
At rest (null initial velocity)
At a distance x0 from the center of the extraction plates (s = 0)
(sustancias)¶ Remove substances from the simulation
- Parameters
self (type) – description
sustancias (str or list of strings) – substances or fragments to remove
(fname, masas={})¶ Save configuration data for tof and masses to a file
(fname)¶ Save the signal to a data file
()¶ Initial velocity and position distributions
(particles=None)¶ Evaluate the signal that would produce the particles in the ToF
- Parameters
particles (dict each item is a dictionary that should have) –
key: is the label of the mass
’M’: Mass (in AMU)
’P’: (float in range 0 to 1) Abundance
’L’: an (optional, possibly formatted) label, otherwise the key is used
particles is None => Usa los fragments (If) –
- Returns
times – Sets the object variable self.times and also returns its value
- Return type
numpy array
(x_0, v_0)¶ Evaluates the time taken to extract a particle of mass M=1 and charge q=1 with initial velocity v_0 and position x_0 from the extraction plates.
(x_0, v_0)¶ Evaluates the time-of-flight of a particle of mass M=1 and charge q=1 with initial velocity v_0 and position x_0.
(x_0, v_0)¶ Alternative evaluatation of time-of-flight of a particle of mass M=1 and charge q=1 with initial velocity v_0 and position x_0 (from bibliography).
(x, y, fwidth=0.36787944117144233)¶ Returns features of a single peak. Returns a list with: - Position 0: indexes of position of:
lower half height
upper half height
Position 1: values of x
Position 2: values of y