bound_modify command


bound_modify wall1 wall2 ... keyword value ...
  • wall1,wall2,… = xlo or xhi or ylo or yhi or zlo or zhi

  • one or more keyword/value pairs may be listed

    keywords = collide or react

    • collide value = sc-ID: ID of a surface collision model

    • react value = sr-ID: ID of a surface reaction model or none


bound_modify yhi collide 1 react 2
bound_modify zlo zhi collide hotwall


Set parameters for one or more of the boundaries of the global simulation box. Any of the 6 faces can be selected via the list of wall settings.

The collide keyword can only be used when the boundary is of type “s”, for surface, as set by the boundary command. This keyword assigns a surface collision model to the boundary, as defined by the surf_collide command. The ID of the surface collision model is specified as sc-ID, which is the ID used in the surf_collide command.

The effect of this keyword is that particle collisions with the specified boundaries will be computed by the specified surface collision model.

The react keyword can only be used when the boundary is of type “s”, for surface, as set by the boundary command. This keyword assigns a surface reaction model to the boundary, as defined by the surf_react command. The ID of the surface reaction model is specified as sr-ID, which is the ID used in the surf_react command. If an sr-ID of none is used then surface reactions are turned off.

The effect of this keyword is that particle collisions with the specified boundaries will induce reactions which are computed by the specified surface reaction model.


For 2d simulations, the zlo and zhi boundaries cannot be modified by this command, since they are always periodic.

All boundaries of type “s” must be assigned to a surface collision model via the collide keyword before a simlulation can be performed. Using a surface reaction model is optional.


The default for boundary reactions is none.