13. Future and history¶
This section lists features we are planning to add to SPARTA, features of previous versions of SPARTA, and features of other parallel molecular dynamics codes I’ve distributed.
13.1. Coming attractions¶
The developers wish list link” on the SPARTA web page gives a list of features we are planning to add to SPARTA in the future. Please contact the you are interested in contributing to the those developments or would be a future user of that feature.
You can also send email to the developers if you want to add your wish to the list.
13.2. Past versions¶
Sandia’s predecessor to SPARTA is a DSMC code called ICARUS. It was developed in the early 1990s by Tim Bartel and Steve Plimpton. It was later modified and extended by Michael Gallis.
ICARUS is a 2d code, written in Fortran, which models the flow geometry around bodies with a collection of adjoining body-fitted grid blocks. The geometry of the grid cells within in a single block is represented with analytic equations, which allows for fast particle tracking.
Some details about ICARUS, including simulation snapshots and papers, are discussed on this page
Performance-wise ICARUS scaled quite well on several generations of parallel machines, and is still used by Sandia researchers today. ICARUS was export-controlled software, and so was not distributed widely outside of Sandia.
SPARTA development began in late 2011. In contrast to ICARUS, it is a 3d code, written in C++, and uses a hierarchical Cartesian grid to track particles. Surfaces are embedded in the grid, which cuts and splits their flow volumes.
The Authors link on the SPARTA web page gives a timeline of features added to the code since its initial open-source release.